VEYE CS Camera on google Coral board

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1 Overview

The Coral Dev Board is a single-board computer made by google which use i.MX8m processer. It use Mendel linux system(4.14.98) , based on that,our camera module driver is added, and some application layer routines are provided.

In general, you only need to use the Image and dtb that we have compiled. Of course, you can also modify or recompile the driver according to our open source code.

1.1 Camera module list

Camera module dirver status list
Series Model Status Adaptor board
VEYE series VEYE-MIPI-IMX385 Processing ADP-TWG
CS series CS-MIPI-IMX307 Done ADP-TWG
CS series CS-MIPI-SC132 Done ADP-TWG

VEYE and CS series camera modules are camera module with ISP functions build in. It output UYVY/YUYV data using MIPI-CSI2. We provide V4L2 interface for video streaming apps , and Video Control Toolkits (which is Shell Script) to control the camera module directly, which is called DRA(Directly Register Access).

Specifically, on this i.MX platform, the default driver configures the camera to YUYV format.

2 Hardware Setup

We use ADP-TWG to connnect camera to Coral Dev board. Due to insufficient power supply capacity of FFC cable, additional 5V power supply is used.

Google Coral connection overview
Google Coral connection overview(Use additional 5V power supply)
Google Coral connection details
Google Coral connection details
Google Coral connection details(2)
Google Coral connection details(2)

3 Upgrade Mendel Linux system

3.1 overview

4 Applications and Test

5 Build the drivers from source

6 References