Mv mipi user guide Shell scripts usage
1 Overview
The script is a tool set for configuring MV MIPI series cameras through the I2C.
This script is essentially an access to registers. For registers, please refer to MV Series and RAW Series MIPI Camera Register Map.
2 Raspberry Pi Only, Set IO config
first,it will config IO pin. Then you can run
3 Prepare
cd mv_tools_rpi/sources/
cd ..
chmod +x *
Usage: ./ [-r/w] [-f] function name -p1 param1 -p2 param2 -b bus
-r read
-w write
-f [function name] function name
-p1 [param1] param1 of each function
-p2 [param1] param2 of each function
-p3 [param3] param3 of each function
-p4 [param4] param4 of each function
-b [i2c bus num] i2c bus number
-d [i2c addr] i2c addr if not default 0x3b
Please open this srcipt and read the COMMENT on top for support functions and samples.
5 i2c bus number on different board
Please refer to the following article to determine which -b parameter you need to use.
i2c bus number on different boards
6 Functions list
6.1 Note
The camera has two states, standby and running, after the start of image acquisition into the running state.
There are some registers that are write-protected in the running state, which will be marked with an asterisk. For example: trgsrc* .
There are some parameters that have strict range restrictions, and it's a good idea to try reading them when you're in doubt.
6.2 Basic Parameters
6.2.1 manufacturer
./ -r -f manufacturer
Get the manufacturer name, which is VEYE.
6.2.2 model
./ -r -f model
Get the product model, such as MV-MIPI-IMX178M / MV-MIPI-SC132M.
6.2.3 version
./ -r -f version
Get the Controller version number and Logical version number.
The system has two main control chips that serve the control and logic functions respectively.
6.2.4 serialno
./ -r -f serialno
Get the unique serial number of this module.
6.2.5 timestamp
./ -r -f timestamp
Time after system startup in Milliseconds.
This value starts counting again if you call the reboot command, or if the camera reboots unexpectedly.
6.2.6 errcode
./ -r -f errcode
System error code, each bit represents an error type.
bit0: sensor error.
bit1: Logic module startup error.
bit2: Logic module communication error.
bit5: AA(AE&AG) regulation cannot reach the target brightness.
bit6: Authorization failure.
6.2.7 fmtcap
./ -r -f fmtcap
Capbility of data formats supported by the camera.
bit0: Mono8
bit1: Mono10
bit2: Mono12
bit3: Mono14
bit4: UYVY
6.2.8 factoryparam
./ -w -f factoryparam
All parameters restored to factory default values.
6.2.9 paramsave
./ -w -f paramsave
Save all parameters to flash, and they will not be lost when power off.
6.2.10 reboot
./ -w -f reboot
Reboot the camera.
6.2.11 i2caddr
./ -w -f i2caddr -p1 [new]
./ -r -f i2caddr
This module support i2c address changed by software, i2c address range[0x3,0x77].
Will really take effect only after paramsave and reboot .
6.2.12 slavemode
./ -w -f slavemode -p1 [0/1]
./ -r -f slavemode
Whether the sensor is operating in slave mode. In slave mode, the camera relies on external signals to provide XVS and XHS.
Writing this parameter will cause the camera to automatically save the current settings and reboot.
Currently, only RAW-MIPI-IMX462M support this function.
6.2.13 mcubypass
./ -w -f mcubypass -p1 [0/1]
./ -r -f mcubypass
For Raw series camera,set SDA(Sensor Direct Access) mode.
6.3 Image Acquisition
6.3.1 imgacq
./ -w -f imgacq -p1 [0/1]
Start/Stop acquisition
There is no image output after the camera is powered on, which means it is in the standby state.
After writing 1 to this register, it enters the running state and starts outputting images or waiting for the trigger signal.
Writing 0 will stop the output image and enter the standby state.
6.3.2 trgmode*
./ -w -f trgmode -p1 [0,2]
./ -r -f trgmode
value | description |
0 | Video streaming mode |
1 | Normal trigger mode. |
2 | High-speed continuous trigger mode. |
See product manual for details.
6.3.3 trgsrc*
./ -w -f trgsrc -p1 [0,1]
./ -r -f trgsrc
value | description |
0 | Software trigger |
1 | Hardware trigger |
6.3.4 trgnum*
./ -w -f trgnum -p1 [1,255]
./ -r -f trgnum
The number of image frames output by one trigger signal in trigger mode.
6.3.5 trginterval*
./ -w -f trginterval -p1 [us]
./ -r -f trginterval
Trigger interval in normal trigger mode, in microseconds. Range:[0.0xFFFFFF].
6.3.6 trgone
./ -w -f trgone
Software trigger command.One execution will perform a soft trigger.
6.3.7 trgcount
./ -r -f trgcount
Trigger count statistics.
Get the total number of triggers and the number of trigger loss.
./ -w -f trgcountclr
Clear trigger count.
6.4 IO Control
For RAW series cameras, the input IO supports trigger edge and trigger delay, and does not support trigger filtering function. The output IO is the strobe out pin of the sensor that leads directly.
6.4.1 trgdelay*
./ -r -f trgdelay
./ -w -f trgdelay -p1 [us]
Trigger delay, effective under both soft trigger and hard trigger mode.
range: 0 to 1000000 (unit: microsecond)
6.4.2 trgedge*
./ -r -f trgedge
./ -w -f trgedge -p1 [0,1]
Effective trigger edge in hard trigger mode.
value | description |
0 | Rising edge |
1 | Falling edge |
6.4.3 trgfilter_enable*
./ -r -f trgfilter_enable
./ -w -f trgfilter_enable -p1 [0,2]
value | description |
0 | No filtering |
1 | Rising edge filtering (filtering out low-level interference signals) |
2 | Falling edge filtering (filtering out high level interference signals) |
3 | Both rising edge and falling edge filtering |
6.4.4 trgfilter_time*
./ -r -f trgfilter_time
./ -w -f trgfilter_time -p1 [us]
Trigger signal filtering window width.
range: 1 to 1000000 (unit: microsecond)
6.4.5 trgexp_delay*
./ -r -f trgexp_delay
./ -w -f trgexp_delay -p1 [us]
Exposure delay, i.e. the time to turn on the Strobe signal in advance.
range: 1 to 1000000 (unit: microsecond)
The difference between trgexp_delay and trgdelay, see manual for details.
6.4.6 gpios_status
./ -r -f gpios_status
Get TriggerIN_IO, OUT_IO1 and OUT_IO2 status.
6.4.7 outio1_mode
./ -r -f outio1_mode
./ -w -f outio1_mode -p1 [0,1]
value | description |
0 | strobe |
1 | user out |
strobe: High level active.
user out: defined by outio1_usr.
6.4.8 outio1_usr
./ -r -f outio1_usr
./ -w -f outio1_usr -p1 [0,1]
value | description |
0 | low |
1 | high |
6.4.9 outio1_rvs
./ -r -f outio1_rvs
./ -w -f outio1_rvs -p1 [0,1]
Reverse OUT_IO1 high and low levels if set to 1.
6.4.10 outio2_mode
./ -r -f outio2_mode
./ -w -f outio2_mode -p1 [0,5]
value | description |
0 | strobe |
1 | user out |
2 | trigger wait |
3 | XVS |
4 | XHS |
5 | Effective trigger signal (Sony's global shutter sensor only) |
strobe: High level active.
user out: defined by outio2_usr.
trigger wait: High level active. Indicate that the camera is not busy now, able to respond to the trigger signal.
XHS, XVS: The signal from the corresponding pin of the sensor. (For rolling shutter only).
6.4.11 outio2_usr
./ -r -f outio2_usr
./ -w -f outio2_usr -p1 [0,1]
value | description |
0 | low |
1 | high |
6.4.12 outio2_rvs
./ -r -f outio2_rvs
./ -w -f outio2_rvs -p1 [0,1]
Reverse OUT_IO1 high and low levels if set to 1.
6.5 Image Features
6.5.1 maxwh
./ -r -f maxwh
Get the maximum supported resolution of the sensor.
6.5.2 maxfps
./ -r -f maxfps
The maximum frame rate supported in the current mode.
Depending on the configured ROI, the maximum frame rate will be different. This parameter supports decimals.
6.5.3 fps*
./ -w -f fps -p1 [framerate]
./ -r -f fps
Configure the actual frame rate of the camera in the current mode.
In video streaming mode, this parameter determines the actual frame rate.
6.5.4 roi*
./ -w -f roi -p1 [x] -p2 [y] -p3 [width] -p4 [height]
./ -r -f roi
ROI(region of interest) is the sensor output area, and the default is full screen output.
Parameter requirements:
[x] [y] [height] must be 4-aligned;
[width] must be 8-aligned;
The minimum ROI resolution will be different for different sensors.
For example, MV-MIPI-IMX178M minimum resolution is: 376*320;MV-MIPI-SC130M minimum resolution is 64*64.
The camera will make necessary adjustments to the user parameters to meet the parameter requirements.
So it is highly recommended that you read out the actual ROI parameters after writing them.
6.5.5 imgdir
./ -w -f imgdir -p1 [0,3]
./ -r -f imgdir
value | description |
0 | normal |
1 | mirror |
2 | flip |
3 | flip&mirror |
The image is first flipped/mirrored and then ROI cropped. For details, please refer to the manual.
6.5.6 pixelformat
./ -w -f pixelformat -p1 [0,2]
./ -r -f pixelformat
value | description |
0 | Mono8 |
1 | Mono10 |
2 | Mono12 |
4 | UYVY |
Note that for the MV-MIPI-IMX178M, the AD bits of the sensor is always 12 bits, and the logic unit performs data rounding to achieve a different pixel format.
6.5.7 blacklevel
./ -w -f blacklevel -p1 [blacklevel]
./ -r -f blacklevel
This black level value will be set directly to the sensor.
6.5.8 blcmode
./ -w -f blcmode -p1 [0/1]
./ -r -f blcmode
Black level calibration modes:
0: Sensor automatic calibration or use default black level.
1: Manually specify black level.
6.5.9 testimg
./ -w -f testimg -p1 [0,2]
./ -r -f testimg
value | description |
0 | Normal image |
1 | Test image 1 |
2 | Test image 2 |
6.5.10 lanenum*
./ -w -f lanenum -p1 [2/4]
./ -r -f lanenum
For modules that support lane number configuration, use this register to modify the lane number.
6.5.11 mipidatarate
./ -r -f mipidatarate
he MIPI datarate for each lane, measured in Kbps.
6.6 ISP
6.6.1 Special Note
Generally, RAW series cameras do not support ISP functionality. However, RAW-MIPI-AR0234M does support AEC control.
Commands supported by RAW-MIPI-AR0234M include:
6.6.2 gamma
./ -r -f gamma
./ -w -f gamma -p1 [gamma]
Range (0,4.0],accurate is 0.01.
For now, gamma only works on 8bit depth image.
6.6.3 gammaenable
./ -r -f gammaenable
./ -w -f gammaenable -p1 [0,1]
Enable/Disable gamma function.
6.6.4 dpcenable
./ -r -f dpcenable
./ -w -f dpcenable -p1 [0,1]
Enable/Disable DPC(Defect Point Correction) function.
6.6.5 lutenable
./ -r -f lutenable
./ -w -f lutenable -p1 [0,1]
Enable/Disable LUT(Look-Up-Table) function.
6.6.6 lut
./ -r -f lut -p1 [lutfilename]
./ -w -f lut -p1 [lutfilename]
Import or export a lut curve to a file, refer to the provided lut_linear.txt for the file format.
6.6.7 expmode
./ -r -f expmode
./ -w -f expmode -p1 [0,2]
value | description |
0 | ME: manual exposure |
1 | AE once: auto exposure once |
2 | AE: auto exposure continuous |
Both ME and AE are easy to understand.
AE once: Execute automatic exposure in the set range once, then stop the adjustment.
6.6.8 metime
./ -w -f metime -p1 [us]
./ -r -f metime
Range (0,1000000/fps].Because of Note1 and range limitation, please read back to confirm the real metime take effect.
6.6.9 gainmode
./ -r -f gainmode
./ -w -f gainmode -p1 [0,3]
value | description |
0 | MG: manual gain |
1 | AG once: auto gain once |
2 | AG: auto gain continuous |
Both MG and AG are easy to understand.
AG once: Execute automatic gain in the set range once, then stop the adjustment.
6.6.10 mgain
./ -w -f mgain -p1 [gain]
./ -r -f mgain
Range [0,MAX_Gain],MAX_Gain varies from sensor to sensor, for example, IMX178 is 48dB.
Read back to confirm the real mgain take effect.
6.6.11 aatarget
./ -r -f aatarget
./ -w -f aatarget -p1 [1,255]
The target brightness of AE and AG algorithm.
Within the set range, the algorithm will prioritize the increase in exposure time,
and increase the gain if the exposure time reaches the maximum and still cannot reach the set target brightness value.
6.6.12 aemaxtime
./ -r -f aemaxtime
./ -w -f aemaxtime -p1 [16,1000000/fps]
Maximum exposure time in AE mode.Range[16,1000000]. Note1.
Please read back to confirm the real metime take effect.
6.6.13 agmaxgain
./ -r -f agmaxgain
./ -w -f agmaxgain -p1 [0,maxgain]
Maximum value of auto gain. The range and step vary according to the model.
Most sensors have a gain step of 0.1dB, some are 0.3dB.
6.6.14 exptime
./ -r -f exptime
Get the current exposure time. This command is valid in any exposure mode.
6.6.15 curgain
./ -r -f curgain
Gets the current gain. This command is valid in any exposure mode.
6.6.16 aaroienable
./ -w -f aaroienable -p1 [0,1]
./ -r -f aaroienable
Whether to enable AAROI statistics function, not enable means full ROI statistics.
6.6.17 aaroi
./ -w -f aaroi -p1 [x] -p2 [y] -p3 [width] -p4 [height]
./ -r -f aaroi
The AAROI coordinates are relative coordinates within the ROI area. So the area must be smaller than the image ROI.
6.6.18 aeag_run_once_save
./ -w -f aeag_run_once_save
Execute AE&AG once operation and save the results to the camera as manual values!
This is a function that is useful when the camera is installed.
Please make sure that the image preview has already been started before executing this command.
It performs the following operations:
- Set AE and AG range to MAX.
- Run AE once and AG once.
- Wait 5 seconds.
- Check AE once and AG once result.
- Save the previous result to manual mode.
- Run paramsave,save to flash.
6.6.19 snsreg
./ -r -f snsreg -p1 [sensor reg addr]
Read the sensor's register indirectly via the camera controller unit.
6.7 Notes
Note1: All parameters of exposure time are in microseconds. However, due to the properties of the sensor, the actual exposure time unit of the sensor is 1 line, can not be accurate to 1us.
Note2: AE: Auto exposure; AG: Auto Gain; AA: AE and AG.
Note3: The AAROI coordinates are relative coordinates within the ROI area.
Note4: For RAW Series, there are some functions that are not supported, please refer to the register list for details.