cs_mipi_i2c.sh Shell scripts usage
1 Introduction
The cs_mipi_i2c.sh script is a toolset for configuring CS-MIPI-X series cameras through the I2C.
2 RaspberryPi Only, Set IO config
Include the following files,camera_i2c_config、i2c_read、i2c_write、cs_mipi_i2c.sh.
first,it will config IO pin. Then you can run cs_mipi_i2c.sh.
2.1 camera_i2c_config USAGE
- for standard RPI, just run
- for RPI Computer Module 3
./camera_i2c_config [cameranum]
cameranum | description |
0 | CAM0 |
1 | CAM1 |
3 cs_mipi_i2c.sh USAGE
this shell scripts should be used for CS-MIPI-X!
Usage: ./cs_mipi_i2c.sh [-r/w] [-f] function name -p1 param1 -p2 param2 -p3 param3 -b bus
-r read
-w write
-f [function name] function name
-p1 [param1] param1 of each function
-p2 [param1] param2 of each function
-p3 [param1] param3 of each function
-b [i2c bus num] i2c bus number
-d [i2c addr] i2c addr if not default 0x3b
4 i2c bus number on different board
Please refer to the following article to determine which -b parameter you need to use.
i2c bus number on different boards
5 Functions list
5.1 devid
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f devid
0x02 | 2 lan mipi |
5.2 hdver
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f hdver
get hardware logic version
value | description |
0xXY | Version X.Y |
for example:
0x22 means V2.2
5.3 firmwarever
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f firmwarever
get firmware version, X.Y, 1.0 for example.
5.4 productmodel
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f productmodel
get product model,for example:CS-MIPI-IMX307,CS-MIPI-SC132
5.5 camcap
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f camcap
get camera module capbility, each bit represents a function.
bit | description |
0 | sync stream mode |
1 | trigger mode |
2 | pick mode |
5.6 videofmtcap
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f videofmtcap
get camera video format capbility, for example:
1920*1080 @max30fps
1280*720 @max60fps
5.7 videofmt
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f videofmt
5.7.1 old version videofmt write
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f videofmt -p1 1920 -p2 1080 -p3 10
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f videofmt -p1 1280 -p2 720 -p3 60
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f videofmt -p1 640 -p2 480 -p3 130
get and set current video format,for example:
If camera support framerate continuously adjustable:
CS-MIPI-IMX307 framerate range: [1,maxframerate]
CS-MIPI-SC132framerate range: [2,maxframerate]
note:sync mode do not support framerate continuously adjustable.
5.7.2 new version videofmt write
Note: supported on CS-MIPI-IMX307 firmware > V2.35.
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f videofmt -p1 1920 -p2 1080 -p4 0.20
p4 parameter, which supports the decimal frame rate function and is used to support manual exposure mode for more than 1 second.
5.8 ispcap
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f ispcap
get camera isp capbility.
bit0 : CSC hue,contrast,saturation
bit1 : AE auto exposure
bit2 : ME manual exposure
bit3 : AWB auto white balance
bit4 : MWB manual white balance
bit5 : DME direct manual exposure
5.9 powerhz
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f powerhz
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f powerhz -p1 50
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f powerhz -p1 60
value | description |
50 | Power frequency is 50Hz |
60 | Power frequency is 60Hz |
Configure the power frequency of the environment in which the camera is used.
- 50Hz framerate is 25、50、100;60Hz framerate is 30、60、120.
- camera support antiflicker, accroding to powerhz setting here.
5.10 i2caddr
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f i2caddr -d i2caddrnow
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f i2caddr -p1 newi2caddr -d oldi2caddr
This module support i2c addr change by software, i2c addr range[0x3,0x77].
Note: only supported on firmware version >= 1.05
5.11 paramsave
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f paramsave
Write the configured parameters to flash. So parameters will not be lost when poweroff.
5.12 sysreset
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f sysreset
The camera reset to the factory default parameters.
5.13 streammode
value | description |
0 | free running |
1 | sync mode |
2 | Hardware Trigger |
3 | Software Trigger |
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f streammode
Read the current stream mode and master-slave mode
- free running mode
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f streammode -p1 0
Set the current camera to free running mode
slave mode(sync stream mode)
value | description |
0 | master |
1 | slave |
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f streammode -p1 1 -p2 0
Set the current camera to sync mode, and set to master
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f streammode -p1 1 -p2 1
Set the current camera to sync mode, and set to slave
sync mode :Camera module Stream Mode manual
In sync mode,do not support framerate continuously adjustable.
If powerhz is 60,support 1080p@30,720p@60,vga@130.
If powerhz is 50,support 1080p@25,720p@50,vga@130.
Note: only supported on camcap bit 0 is 1. Streammode is the base, and parameters such as exposure need to be reconfigured after modifying streammode.
- Trigger mode
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f streammode -p1 2
Set the current camera to hardware trigger mode
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f streammode -p1 3
Set the current camera to software trigger mode
5.14 daynightmode
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f daynightmode
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f daynightmode -p1 [value]
value | description |
0x1 | Color Mode |
0x2 | Black&White Mode |
0x0 | Trigger Mode |
0x3 | IR-CUT day, Image Black&White mode |
0x4 | IR-CUT night, Image Color mode |
IR-CUT (Infrared cut-off filter) is a mechanical shutter design. It is placed between the lens and the image sensor, and is controlled by a motor or an electromagnet.
IR-CUT has two status: Block or Deliver the infrared.
- Color Mode
Image is Color Mode and IR_CUT status Block infrared.
- Black&White Mode
Image is Black&White Mode and IR_CUT status Deliver infrared.
- Trigger Mode
Trigger pin : J4 pin1.
Trigger pin High(3.3~12V),Image is Black&White Mode and IR-CUT status Deliver infrared.
Trigger pin Low(GND),Image is Color Mode and IR-CUT status Bolck infrared.
- IR-CUT day, Image black&white mode
Image is Black&White Mode and IR_CUT status Block infrared.
- IR-CUT night, Image color mode
Image is Color Mode and IR_CUT status Deliver infrared.
5.15 hue
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f hue
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f hue -p1 50
hue,range [0,100].
5.16 contrast
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f contrast
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f contrast-p1 50
contrast,range [0,100].
5.17 satu
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f satu
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f satu-p1 50
saturation,range [0,100].
5.18 expmode
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f expmode
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f expmode -p1 0
0 : auto exposure
1: manual exposure
2: direct manual exposure,skip isp,write to sensor registers. CS-MIPI-SC132 only.
5.19 aetarget
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f aetarget
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f aetarget -p1 0x40
The target brightness in automatic exposure mode. Effective when expmode is auto.
5.20 aetime
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f aetime
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f aetime -p1 400000
the max exposure time in automatic exposure mode,unit: us。Effective when expmode is auto.
range:(100,1/framerate],if framerate is 30,then the range is (100,33333].
special value:0xFFFFFFFF=1/framerate, the camera will automatically adjust according to the working mode.
5.21 aeagc
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f aeagc-p1 X -p2 Y
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f aeagc
Maximum total system gain in automatic exposure mode,unit: dB. Effective when expmode is auto.
agc includes Again+Dgain+ISPGain.
X is the integer part and Y is the decimal part, for example X is 2 and Y is 3 means 2.3dB.
X range: depending on sensor.
Y range: [0-9].
IMX307,again range is[0,135]dB, step 0.3dB.
5.22 metime
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f metime
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f metime -p1 10000
manual exposure time, us.
If you need ultra-long exposure, you need to adjust the framerate to match this parameter.
5.23 meagain
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f meagain -p1 X -p2 Y
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f meagain
manual again,dB. Effective when expmode is manual.
X is the integer part and Y is the decimal part, for example X is 2 and Y is 3 means 2.3dB.
X range: depending on sensor.
Y range: [0-9].
IMX307,again range is[0,27]dB, step 0.3dB.
5.24 medgain
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f medgain -p1 X -p2 Y
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f medgain
manual dgain,dB. Effective when expmode is manual.
X is the integer part and Y is the decimal part, for example X is 2 and Y is 3 means 2.3dB.
X range: depending on sensor.
Y range: [0-9].
IMX307,dgain range is[0,42]dB, step 0.3dB.
5.25 dmetime
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f dmetime
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f dmetime -p1 10000
direct manual exposure time, us. Effective when expmode is direct manual.
If you need ultra-long exposure, you need to adjust the framerate to match this parameter.
5.26 dmeagain
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f dmeagain -p1 X -p2 Y
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f dmeagain
direct manual again,dB. Effective when expmode is direct manual.
X is the integer part and Y is the decimal part, for example X is 2 and Y is 3 means 2.3dB.
X range: depending on sensor.
Y range: [0-9].
IMX307,again range is[0,27]dB, step 0.3dB.
5.27 dmedgain
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f dmedgain -p1 X -p2 Y
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f dmedgain
direct manual dgain,dB. Effective when expmode is direct manual.
X is the integer part and Y is the decimal part, for example X is 2 and Y is 3 means 2.3dB.
X range: depending on sensor.
Y range: [0-9].
IMX307,dgain range is[0,42]dB, step 0.3dB.
5.28 awbmode
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f awbmode
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f awbmode -p1 0
0 : auto white balance
1: manual white balance, gain mode
2: manual white balance, color temperature mode
5.29 mwbgain
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f mwbgain -p1 RGAIN -p2 BGAIN
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f mwbgain
manual white balance mode, set rgain and bgain manually, ggain is always 1.
GAIN is 4-bit decimal precision, for example: 0x23 means 2+3/16=2.19.
5.30 mwbcolortemp
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f mwbcolortemp -p1 3200
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f mwbcolortemp
manual white balance, color temperature mode, color tempture,range [1500,15000]
5.31 expostate
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f expostate
readonly, get the current exposure state. exposure time, again and dgain. direct manual exposure mode invalid.
5.32 wbstate
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f wbstate
readonly, get the current white balance state. rgain, bgain and color tempture.
5.33 imagedir
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f imagedir -p1 0
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f imagedir
set image direction
value | description |
0 | normal |
1 | flip |
2 | mirror |
3 | flip+mirror |
5.34 sreg
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f sreg -p1 SensorAddr
read the sensor register, indirect access.
for example: CS-MIPI-IMX307
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f sreg -p1 0x300A
r sensor addr 0x300a value 0x3c
5.35 striggerone
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f striggerone
In Software Trigger Mode,Trigger an exposure and image output by writing a register.
note: Only CS-MIPI-SC132 support.
5.36 triggeredge
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f triggeredge -p1 [value]
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f triggeredge
Edge attribute of trigger signal in Hardware Trigger mode.
value | description |
0 | RisingEdge |
1 | FallingEdge |
note: Only CS-MIPI-SC132 Support.
5.37 tgdebncr
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f tgdebncr -p1 enable -p2 [value]
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f tgdebncr
In Hardware Trigger mode,the debouncer attribute of the trigger signal.
Any trigger signal that is less than value (us) will be ignored.
note: Only CS-MIPI-SC132 Support.
5.38 tgdly
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f tgdly -p1 [value]
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f tgdly
Trigger delay in Hardware Trigger mode (us).
note: Only CS-MIPI-SC132 Support.
5.39 pickmode
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f pickmode -p1 [0/1]
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f pickmode
Pickmode is a special function, once turned on, sensor works normally, but the module will not output images, only receive pickone instructions, output one.
5.40 pickone
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f pickone
When pickmode is enable, output one image.
5.41 sysreboot
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f sysreboot -p1 [value]
reboot the camera module
value | description |
1 | Restart the main program |
2 | Fully reboot (6-8s) |
5.42 ledstrobe
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f ledstrobe -p1 enable
Whether the LED synchronization signal is enabled.
If enabled, the Strobe IO pin outputs a high level when the sensor is exposed.
note: Only CS-MIPI-SC132 Support.
5.43 expfrmmode
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f expfrmmode -p1 [value]
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f expfrmmode
value | description |
0 | slow shutter mode |
1 | fix framerate mode(default) |
Effective in auto exposure mode.
The slow shutter mode is usually used to reduce picture noise in low-illumination scenes by automatic frame reduction.
It needs to be used with the aetime,slowshuttergain parameter.
Note: only supported on firmware version >= 2.32
5.44 slowshuttergain
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f slowshuttergain -p1 X -p2 Y
./cs_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f slowshuttergain
In slow shutter mode,the threshold of Gain be begin to drop frame, dB. Effective when expfrmmode is slow shutter mode.
X is the integer part and Y is the decimal part, for example X is 2 and Y is 3 means 2.3dB.
X range: depending on sensor.
Y range: [0-9].
Note: only supported on firmware version >= 2.32
5.45 yuvseq
./veye_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f yuvseq -p1 YUYV
./veye_mipi_i2c.sh -w -f yuvseq -p1 UYVY
./veye_mipi_i2c.sh -r -f yuvseq
Set yuv seq of camera.
Note: only supported on firmware version >= 2.38