VEYE CS Camera on Radxa Boards

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How to use VEYE series cameras on Radxa's RK35XX board


1 Overview

VEYE series cameras are the video streaming mode MIPI cameras we designed. This article takes Radxa's ZERO 3W board as an example to introduce how to connect VEYE series cameras to RK3566/RK3568/RK3588 system.

We provide drivers for Linux.

1.1 Camera Module List

Series Model Status

In addition, the driver for the Fpdlink connection mode has been finished on the Linux system.

2 Hardware Setup

Radxa ZERO 3W provides a 22-pin connector compatible with Raspberry Pi, allowing our camera to be installed on its motherboard without the need for an adapter board.

2.1 Connection of Camera and Radxa ZERO 3W Board

Both use a 15-to-22-pin FFC cable for connection, ensuring that the silver contact surface faces outward.

VEYE camera connect to Radxa ZERO 3W

3 Introduction to github repositories


  • driver source code
  • i2c toolkits
  • application demo

In addition, a compiled linux kernel installation package is provided in the releases.

4 Upgrade Radxa Debain system

4.1 Overview

This section describes how to update the RK35xx system to support our camera modules.

We provide a deb installation package that can be installed directly.

4.2 Burn Radxa standard system

Refer to the Radxa documentation to burn in a standard system.

4.3 Using prebuilt Image and dtb file

Using the compiled debain installation package

On the RK35xx board,

Download the latest rk356x_Radxa_ubuntu.tar.gz from .

tar -xavf rk356x_radxa_zero3w.tar.gz

cd rk356x_radxa_zero3w/released_images/cam2m

sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-5.10.160-36-rk356x_5.10.160-36_arm64_cam2m.deb

sudo dpkg -i linux-image-5.10.160-36-rk356x_5.10.160-36_arm64_cam2m.deb

sudo reboot

If the version does not match, it needs to be compiled from the source code.

5 Check system status

Run the following command to confirm whether the camera is probed.


sudo dmesg | grep veye

The output message appears as shown below:

veyecam2m 2-003b:  camera id is veyecam2m

veyecam2m 2-003b: sensor is IMX327

  • Run the following command to check the presence of video node.

ls /dev/video0

The output message appears as shown below.


For Radxa Zero 3W, the camera is connected to i2c-2.

6 Application examples

6.1 v4l2-ctl

6.1.1 Install v4l2-utils

sudo apt-get install v4l-utils

6.1.2 List the data formats supported by the camera

v4l2-ctl --list-formats-ext

6.1.3 Snap YUV picture

v4l2-ctl --set-fmt-video=width=1920,height=1080,pixelformat='NV12' --stream-mmap --stream-count=100 --stream-to=nv12-1920x1080.yuv

For RK3566, also:

v4l2-ctl --set-fmt-video=width=1920,height=1080,pixelformat=UYVY --stream-mmap --stream-count=1 --stream-to=uyvy-1920x1080.yuv

You can use software like YUV Player or Vooya to play the images.

6.1.4 Check frame rate

v4l2-ctl --set-fmt-video=width=1920,height=1080,pixelformat=UYVY --stream-mmap --stream-count=-1 --stream-to=/dev/null

6.2 yavta

git clone

cd yavta;make

./yavta -c1 -Fnv12-1920x1080.yuv --skip 0 -f NV12 -s 1920x1080 /dev/video0

6.3 gstreamer

We provide several gstreamer routines that implement the preview, capture, and video recording functions. See the samples directory on github for details.

6.4 Import to OpenCV

First install OpenCV:

sudo apt install python3-opencv

We provide several routines to import camera data into opencv. See the samples directory on github for details.

7 Compile drivers and dtb from source code

  • RK356x

8 i2c script for parameter configuration

Because of the high degree of freedom of our camera parameters, we do not use V4L2 parameters to control, but use scripts to configure parameters.

using -b option to identify which bus you want to use.

  • VEYE series

Video Control Toolkits Manual :VEYE-MIPI-327 I2C

9 References

  • Radxa Zero 3W Manual

  • BSP toolkit

10 Document History

  • 2024-04-24

Release 1st version.